Andrea Ziino, chief operating officer
Our lost wax technique has not changed for 5,000 years.
Discovering artistic masterpieces
In Ticino it is all about hospitality and people. Locals, hotel owners, hosts, guides and waiters pamper who comes to visit us. A world of stories to be shared. Among these people we have selected some to tell you their amazing story.
Andrea Ziino, chief operating officer
Our lost wax technique has not changed for 5,000 years.
Discovering artistic masterpieces
Eric Notari, master brewer of Officina della Birra
I remember the amber Lugano Beer that my grandfather used to drink.
Ticino in ferment
Agnese and Marco Leonardi, Impianti Turistici Cioss Prato
I found my Nepal in miniature there.
A sparkle in the Alps
Pietro Zanoli, hut warden of Alpe Nimi
At the end of the season, I holiday up on the mountain together with the goats.
The goatherd and his native Ticino goats
Nadia Bernasconi, Director of Camping Monte San Giorgio and Ca.Stella FARM
There’s no light pollution, perfect for stargazing.
When hospitality meets solidarity