Registration platform of touristic accommodation

Who needs to register online to apply for an ID number?

The new registration procedure applies to all accommodation with 1 to 6 beds, to accommodation rented for less than 90 days per year without hotel services regardless of the number of guests accommodated, and to all campsites and huts. Accommodation subject to the Law on Hotels and Restaurants (Lear), such as hotels, can use the number on their cantonal authorization. Appartements and properties with more than 6 beds rented for more than 90 days that do not yet have a cantonal authorization must follow the Lear procedure (for more information click here). At the end of the procedure they will automatically receive an identification number. 

The identification number must be specified in every advertisement on online platforms, websites and offline publications. 

Below are some examples of where and how to enter the identification number. The procedure must be repeated for all sales platforms.
Fill in the form. 
In your extranet, select “Property”, then “General info”, then “Please tell us your licence number”. 

In the “Policies and rules” section, under “Regulations” and then “Add a registration number”. 

Own website 
We recommend placing the number in the website’s footer so that it remains visible at all times."