A passion to be cultivated

  • 13 September – 10.30
  • 23°
  • Energic

Ripe grapes release their rich perfume in the air. A ruby-coloured wine will be gently pressed out of them, but for now it is time to harvest. Nearly half of the grapes produced in Ticino originate in the Mendrisiotto region. But first, they must be picked.

The air is heavy with the scent of ripe grapes. All around you there are long rows of green vineyards and, among the leaves, you hear a rustle and a clipping sound. A sweet, intense and inebriating fragrance pervades you.

Your curiosity runs high. Your morning’s visit to the vineyards has opened your eyes to the world of wine and its production. And now, you can touch it with your own hands. You are standing next to an expert winemaker and his family to share in a unique experience: the grape harvest.

The teamwork is definitely good, the pace is fast and, one by one, the bunches yield to the clean cut of expert hands.

Coldrerio, harvest of the grapes by hand

Coldrerio, harvest of the grapes by hand

Grapes on the conveyor belt for the wine production

Grapes on the conveyor belt for the wine production

The full baskets are stacked. A tractor goes back and forth along the road leading to the wine cellar, where the grapes you have picked will be turned into wine. Tired? Proud of yourself? You have every reason to be.

But how many grapes does it take to make one glass of Merlot? At the “Casa del Vino” you will learn more about your journey through local food and wine. It is a meeting and tasting place for people who, like you, are discovering the wines of Ticino. And among all those bottles on the oak shelves, one day, perhaps, you will find the one that contains the grapes that you picked today.

Carlo Crivelli, - vine grower
Carlo Crivelli,vine grower
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9.00 - 13.00

The grapes' harvest


Lunch break

14.00 - 16.00

Starting the winemaking


Relax moment in company



For the one interested, in the Mendrisiotto Region it is possible to join the grapes' harvest during september and october.