Mendrisio Weather

Mendrisiotto Region

Mendrisio weather forecast

Do you want to go on a trip to Monte Generoso or Monte San Giorgio? Or do you prefer to relax among the beautiful vineyards of the region?
Do you want to know what the weather will be like?


  • Monday 27 January
  • Min 5° / Max 7°
  • Precipitation 90%










Temperature and climate in Mendrisio

In Mendrisiotto the temperatures are pleasant and the climate is mild in all seasons. There are 1,880 hours of sunshine and the annual average temperature is over 11 degrees. In the summer months the temperature can exceed 27 degrees: the perfect time to discover the alleys and courtyards of the villages, where you can find a bit of coolness.

The average temperature is around 20 degrees and the minimums vary between 5 and 12 degrees. The spring of Mendrisiotto is rather dry and the humidity is low, although there is no lack of a few days of rain. Let's not forget the sun: every month there are at least 160 hours of sunshine!
The average temperature is around 20 degrees and the minimums vary between 5 and 12 degrees. The spring of Mendrisiotto is rather dry and the humidity is low, although there is no lack of a few days of rain. Let's not forget the sun: every month there are at least 160 hours of sunshine!


15 degrees the minimum temperature, 27 the maximum and over 240 hours of sunshine. Among the vineyards of Mendrisiotto summer is felt but just a jump to the lake or Monte Generoso to find a pleasant breeze.
15 degrees the minimum temperature, 27 the maximum and over 240 hours of sunshine. Among the vineyards of Mendrisiotto summer is felt but just a jump to the lake or Monte Generoso to find a pleasant breeze.


September is still a summer month to all intents and purposes with maximums around 22 degrees that encourage you to go among the vineyards. The sun is still present and the minimum temperatures in October are around 7 degrees.
September is still a summer month to all intents and purposes with maximums around 22 degrees that encourage you to go among the vineyards. The sun is still present and the minimum temperatures in October are around 7 degrees.


The climate cools down, the maximum temperature drops below 10 degrees to just over 7, the hours of sunshine still remain about 100. In the Mendrisiotto you can experience the mild winter in Ticino for yourself.
The climate cools down, the maximum temperature drops below 10 degrees to just over 7, the hours of sunshine still remain about 100. In the Mendrisiotto you can experience the mild winter in Ticino for yourself.


About Mendrisio

Mendrisio is a small jewel that encloses the qualities of Ticino just a stone's throw from Italy. The weather forecast almost never disappoints, but even if the sun doesn't shine, you won't be bored. Here you can go shopping, discover excellent wines, taste typical products, go to the casino, but also take a leap into the almost unspoilt nature of the Muggio Valley or climb Monte Generoso to see the region from above.
In the Mendrisiotto there is always something to do: art, history, events, shopping or hiking, not to mention an excellent dinner.

What’s the weather like in the other regions?

Do you need to pack swimwear for sunbathing by the lake or river, hiking boots for walking mountain paths in the Ticino valleys, or smart clothes for one of the many events that enliven the evenings in the canton? Check the weather forecast and temperatures for the next few days in Bellinzona, Locarno, Ascona and Lugano with just one click.