This morning we travel by public transport: not even 30 minutes from Lugano and we’re in Magliaso. It’s a wonderful feeling to arrive first on the golf course. The birds are chirping, the air is fresh and the sun is gentle. Everything is perfect for this morning in good company. With the clubs in the bag and the tees in our pockets, we put on our caps and glove and are ready to get going. After warming up for a few minutes, we set off on foot towards the first hole. The course is even greener with the first rays of sunlight. I place the ball on the tee, stand to the left, take my measurements, and lo and behold it takes flight, higher and higher, against the blue sky, before landing near the hole like a tiny white dot.
Hole after hole, we continue this approximately 5-kilometre course on foot, often crossing the river Magliasina. With its bends, it winds its way through the entire course, filling the air with its murmuring. The landscapes change with each hole. One features two large ponds covered with colourful water lilies, another where we catch a glimpse of ruins that make us wonder what they might have been long ago. A little further on we are dazzled by a cascade of flowers and colours consisting of roses and jasmine. Golf is also about this: a combination of the game and nature, meticulously tended by the gardeners we meet on the course.