The scent of the grass, the wind caressing your skin, the warmth of the sun... Right in front of you, so close you can almost touch it, you have the stone Flower (Fiore di Pietra) which blossoms at 1,700 metres of altitude. And there you are, sitting on the grass and hugging your partner, while your dog lies beside you breathing quietly. A truly magical moment and you've earned it.
Starting out from Bellavista, at the beginning of your climb, you were soon swallowed up by the forest, with its beeches and oaks. You then reached the open pastures just one step below the sky. At the summit, you let your gaze wander over the fantastic panorama where the Swiss and Italian Prealps meet and you searched with narrowed eyes for the shimmer of the gold-plated Madonnina statue atop Milan cathedral.
Green, yellow and blue all combine to create a unique picture that has the taste of freedom.