- Peel and finely chop up the onions and garlic (germ-free);
- Sweat the onions and garlic in olive oil;
- Add the rice and brown for a moment;
- Moisten with part of the broth;
- Add the sage and bay leaves;
- Pour the rest of the broth gradually;
- Mix it with a wooden spatula from time to time;
- Cook slowly for about 17 minutes;
- Remove the sage and bay leaves;
- Add the saffron powder or pistils towards the end of cooking (this way the saffron aroma is better released);
- Gently pour the white wine, butter and grated cheese;
- Adjust the dressing.
- The quantity of broth varies according to the type of rice and can be 1 to 2.5 or 1 to 3;
- When the wine is added at the end, the cooking process is interrupted and the aroma of the wine remains more pronounced than when it is used at the beginning to deglaze;
- The risotto should always be served lightly al dente.
A typical traditional recipe from Ticino reworked by SSSAT (Swiss Italian Tourism and Hotel Management School of Bellinzona).