A tradition begins...
Situated at the foot of the Penz hill, in the extreme south of Canton Ticino: a young, new cheese dairy, born at the beginning of 2020 thanks to Rita Laudato who, with a spirit of initiative, enterprise, imagination and innovation, decided to listen to her passion for cheese-making, born of her love for cows, respect and gratitude for their existence.
This has led to the creation of various types of cheeses, the result of a marked creativity and the skilful use of moulds, which work with different ripening times.
In addition to the cheeses, the dairy also offers authentic delicacies: the Sieretto, a sorbet made from milk whey and which comes in different flavours, from chocolate to pistachio, stracciatella or coffee; and the Corsetto, made from scotta with tasty fruit flavours.
Rita pays concrete attention to ecological concerns and a conscious use of all the components of milk processing, including those minor products that are usually discarded.
- TYPICAL PRODUCTS Cheese , Specialties