Camping - general informations

Road tolls in Switzerland

The vehicles with a total weight of less than 3.5 t require a vignette, which can be purchased online or at customs offices at the price of CHF 40. The Swiss motorway toll sticker is valid on the entire motorway network from 1 December of the year prior to that printed on the sticker through to 31 January of the year following that printed on the sticker.
In Switzerland, road tunnels and mountain passes are generally free (exceptions: loading stations Lötschberg, Furka and Vereina, Gran San Bernardo road tunnel located in Italy). 
The vehicles with a total weight of over 3.5 t need to pay a heavy vehicle fee. This is equivalent to CHF 3.25 per day (minimum: CHF 25). The tax must be paid for the entire stay. 

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Camper areas in Ticino

Dive in for a safe and clean holiday experience in Ticino. Learn more about the excellent water quality of the rivers and lakes.