The Porta Valley, a side valley of the Verzasca Valley, offers hikers a wide variety of environments and breathtaking views. It is accessed from Vogorno (550 m a.s.l.), along a historical path, which runs along the right-hand side of the valley. Here you can admire mixed broad-leaf woodland, beech groves and vast expanses of pioneer birch trees. The open areas are home to some very interesting flora, particularly the dry meadows, where many species grow, including orchids and the tiger lily. Visitors can also stay overnight in the Capanna Borgna (1,912 m a.s.l.).
In summary:
- Area: 641 hectares
- Altitude: 600-2'040 m a.s.l.
- Year of establishment: 2016
- Owner: Patriziato di Vogorno
- Period: May - November (at lower altitudes), June - October (higher altitudes, depending on the season)
- Access point is Vogorno-Costa You are asked to follow the marked trails. Hiking boots are recommended.
- VENUES Eco-friendly
- PARKS AND GARDENS Natural parks
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-leporello-eng.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-leporello-DE.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-leporello-fra.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-cartina-fra.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-cartina-DE.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-cartina-ita.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-leporello-ita.pdf
- riserva-forestale-val-porta-cartina-eng.pdf