A favoured resort location for the Milanese aristocracy and upper bourgeoisie up until the First World War, the village of Faido is characterised by majestic hotels, now closed, are evidence of this glorious past. Today, Faido's real treasure is provided by the alpine environment which characterises the area, an ideal ground for those who love orienteering races.
A fixed trail has been developed in Carì, with a large part distinguished by the presence of vast fields characterised with slopes and variegated terrain with isolated rocks and trees. Coming down into the village, vast forests appear in alternation with clearings, including walking trails.
At Chironico, the trail includes the forest close to the village, which is accessible by a forest road. The terrain is characterised by rocks, as well as boulders and areas of scree. It is a characteristic and unique area, which requires concentration and ability to read the terrain and the different types of rocks present.
The maps are available at the Faido Tourist Office, near the Council.