Monte Bisbino stands at 1325 m.a.s.l. and embraces the right-hand side of the Muggio Valley, marking part of the Italian-Swiss border. In addition to the Santuario della Beata Vergine (one of the most deeply rooted Marian religious sites in the regional tradition), the peak of this beautiful mountain is also home to the remains of trenches, artillery positions and tunnels built during the First World War.
When visiting the Piccolo Museo Storico del Bisbino [Bisbino Little History Museum] you can also learn about local history, smuggling and rural life here in the past. What is more, the peak offers a stunning vista, which ranges from the Alps to the Po Valley.
History, nature, tradition, sports and tourism are all on offer on this beautiful mountain, which has also lent its name to a gin. Have we aroused your curiosity?
- VENUES Suitable for families
- PARKS AND GARDENS Natural parks