Image 0 - MontagnePulite – Sustainable management of alpine huts
Image 1 - MontagnePulite – Sustainable management of alpine huts
Image 2 - MontagnePulite – Sustainable management of alpine huts
Image 3 - MontagnePulite – Sustainable management of alpine huts

MontagnePulite – Sustainable management of alpine huts

This project was born to promote an effective management and sustainable use of mountain huts in Ticino, and in particular the waste management.

More and more people hunt our beautiful mountains and the waste generated increases. For proper disposal, the waste has to be carried down to the valley.
Since many mountain huts are not accessible to vehicles the problem becomes even more important and the solutions more expensive.

The responsible management of litter in the mountains is a matter of common sense. We can all contribute to produce less waste and reduce costs!

Sherpas project:
Would you like to give your concrete and symbolic contribution to keep our mountains clean? The SHERPA project helps you to do so! Huts joining the project have an exhibitor where you will find garbage bags (or you can ask the person in charge of the hut). You can take one bag and carry it down to the valley, where you can dispose of the garbage properly.

It's a small gesture, but we believe that great results come from small things! Beyond being a good example, you will help huts not to accumulate too much waste. This will reduce the environmental costs (as an example helicopter flights or similar) and you will also contribute to a beautiful, clean and healthy environment. Moreover, if you fill in Sherpa's guestbook, you will participate in a raffle and you could win nice eco-logic prizes!

Come on, join the SHERPA project ... and you will see how a small gesture can become contagious, not only in the huts, but also on the mountain paths and in the environment!

MontagnePulite has been supported since 2015 by the Department of Environment of Canton Ticino, the cantonal waste management service, Azienda Cantonale Rifiuti (ACR), the association of non-smokers Associazione Svizzera non Fumatori (ASN) and Banca Stato.

c/o Consultati SA Marcello Martinoni
Via Bicentenario 3
6807 Taverne