Image 0 - Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga

Known as the Yoga of Awareness, Kundalini Yoga is regarded as one of the most powerful and comprehensive practices for aligning body, soul and spirit. It is a science that combines form, breathing, movement, mantra, meditation and relaxation, using various techniques and tools. It is both a technology and an art. Its power comes from releasing that potential, traditionally called Kundalini, that reserve of latent energy that is represented as a sleeping serpent or a curl twisted at the base of the spine. It is a very under-exploited, sleeping potential that, when awakened and moved up the spine, stimulates and activates the chakras, rebalancing them to a higher level of awareness.
Kundalini yoga works with kriyas, sequences of postures, mantras and movements connected with special respiration techniques. Through physical practice, blood circulation is stimulated, tissues and organs are purified and fortified, the glandular system is balanced, the nervous system strengthened. It is so comprehensive that it is considered by many to be “the mother of all kinds of yoga”.
A tea and infusion tasting will be set up to end the experience in tranquillity and relaxation. The Kundalini teacher will gladly be available to engage in dialogue with participants and answer questions if necessary.



  • Group size: min 8 max 15
  • Leghth: approx 1h
  • Validity: all year round
  • Bookable: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  • Languages: English - Italian
  • Price: 45 CHF per person
  • Advanced reservation required