Approximately fifty works (paintings, watercolors, drawings and sketches for Illustrations) by Luigi Rossi (1853-1923). Genre painter, author of portraits and landscapes, the work of Luigi Rossi lies between reality and symbol.
From the early 1890s to the early 1910s there was a move from realism to symbolism in Luigi Rossi’s work. The presence of the poet Lucini, whose words correspond to Rossi’s style elements, radiated from the heart of the poetic creation. The artist alternated between social-symbolist and art nouveau-symbolist works, his theories favouring humanitarian ideals or art with imaginative strength. Towards the mid 1890s he painted L’armée du travail and Rêves de Jeunesse (cat. no. 104), while around 1910 he produced two canvases with a different social and allegorical tone, set in an imaginary diptych contrasting the enclosed space of city tenement buildings (Alveare) with the open expanse of vast and chilly alpine scenery (Canto dell’aurora).
- First Saturday of each month: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
- Openings by appointment for schools and groups
Saturday: 14:30 – 17:30
- MUSEUMS Art museums