The Brand of quality Grapevines was introduced by the cantonal Government in 1948 with the purpose to qualify the best red wines gotten by the vine Merlot. From 1995 the brand of quality Grapevines is not managed and assigned by the State but from an association of producers: the "Associazione VITI". The brand of quality Grapevines has characterized and it still characterizes a red wine with quality gotten by Merlot grapes, and is assigned by an errand of experts on the escort of an organoleptic examination of the samples, introduced by the interested producers. Every sample must be accompanied by a certificate that attests the conformity of the wine to the asked parameters. The professionalism of the tasters, the bookkeeping controls made by the federal Committee for the commerce of wines and products with brand of quality in commerce, through collecting of samples, are support elements of the seriousness and the rigor which the Associazione VITI operates.