Street Food in the truest sense of the word: trucks, caravans & ape cars – coming from the North of the Alps as well as from our lively Italian neighbours.
Authentic dishes are prepared and served by the food truckers, which bring their enthusiasm and the passion for local ingredients into the meal.
The universal language of good food, combined with history, culture and exciting stories can be explored during a weekend in April in Piazza Grande, Locarno. We are looking forward to seeing you…bring along a good mood for great food!
Free entry.
Organized by the Amis da la Forchéta.
Fri: 17:00 - 23:00
Sat: 11:00 - 23:00
Sun: 11:00 - 15:00 - CATEGORIES Enogastronomy , Local festivals , Market , Exhibitions and fairs , Get-togethers