A spectacular action comedy. Come one, come all and enter the realm of eccentric artistic duo Gaby and Henry Camus! It is a well-known fact that opposites attract: he is from the bustling metropolis New York; she hails from the enchantingly unobtrusive Swiss town of Oberunterlunkenhofen. Gaby loves precision and swears by the clock, Henry loves improvisation and just might have had a watch once as a young lad. He plays the piano divinely, she sings with fiery passion and brimstone – all in all a match made in heaven. Their goal is simple, to offer their esteemed public a high-class cultural performance. Although their intentions are refined, their innate compulsion for comedy gets in the way, incessantly transforming their performance into a hilarious new-vaudeville extravaganza, bursting with extraordinary feats of juggling, dazzling musical prestidigitation and dexterously acrobatic wordplay. Regardless if they achieve their goal of “Alta Cultura” or not, their venerated audience is guaranteed to be enthralled! For all | 75 min. | In Italian, German and English
- OPENING Fri: 20:00