Image 0 - Centenary of the Ticino Federation of Singing Societies

Centenary of the Ticino Federation of Singing Societies

The Ticino Federation of Singing Societies is set to celebrate its centennial in 2024 with a series of extraordinary events: for 100 years, 1'000 voices for 1 choir!

At the Mercato coperto in Mendrisio we will find an amazing Marco Zappa and a stunning Charli Rose with her band, in an engaging evening of karaoke for everyone (even for those who don't think they can sing).

Conference at LaFilanda. Workshops at Lattecaldo, concerts in
Sagno by the Jodler club Brunnel and les Ténors de Févigne. It ends with an array of Ticino choirs that will will also perform in Lattecaldo.


  • CATEGORIES Music , Classical music