NEW – from the 6th of May 2024
We’re on the lookout for brave explorers. Do you fit the bill?
Something’s gone on over in the chestnut woods and Pardy's going to have to give up his afternoon nap to take on the role of detective. But he won’t be able to solve the mystery on his own. He’s going to need the help of his animal friends and, most importantly, a team of brave budding explorers. Do you want to give Pardy a helping hand and set off on an adventure in search of the hidden chestnuts? Solve riddles, unearth the region’s secrets and track down the lost chestnuts: let the hunt begin!
How does the chestnut hunting adventure work?
Pardy and the mystery of the hidden chestnuts is a family game similar to a treasure hunt, which you can play in four locations (Ascona, Locarno, Tenero and Intragna). To play, all you need is an explorers’ kit (one per family) from one of the Ascona-Locarno Tourism Infopoints (from May 2024). The kit costs 25 CHF and contains the explorers’ book with the story of the game, seven tools to help you solve the riddles, a Morse code cracker and a chestnut hunting map for each location. Each chestnut hunt is a game in itself that is linked to the others by the story. They can be solved in any oder and without a time limit.
- VENUES Eco-friendly