Image 0 - Francesco Borromini
Image 1 - Francesco Borromini
Image 2 - Francesco Borromini

Francesco Borromini

Francesco Borromini

Born in Bissone in 1599, he is now considered one of the greatest geniuses in the history of art.

Borromini moved to Milan at the age of nine to begin an apprenticeship with his uncle. 

Arriving in Rome in 1616, he worked in St Peter's. During his life he produced a series of important works in Rome, establishing himself as one of the two most important and original figures of seventeenth-century Italian architecture.

In Bissone, you can see the house where he was born.

Chiesa di Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, Roma
Scala elicoidale all'interno di Palazzo Barberini, Roma
Galleria prospettica nel Cortile di Palazzo Spada, Roma