Special offer

20% discount on hotels and public transport

Ticino at a special price

Benefit from a 20% discount on overnight stays in selected hotels in Ticino and on the round trip by public transport between your place of residence in Switzerland and the hotel. You also benefit with the discount codes from a 50% reduction on P+Rail at the railway station and on luggage transport. Moreover, the seat reservation for the round trip is free. The offer is valid until 31 December 2024 and has limited availability regarding the discounted round trip.

on the daily price in several hotels in the area

20% discount

public transport in Switzerland to and from the hotel

20% discount

on the SBB P+Rail and luggage transport

50% discount

for the round trip

free seat reservation

You can only benefit from this offer by booking through the links to the hotels below.

5-Star Hotels

4-Star Hotels

3-Star Hotels

Other hotels


Ideas for a unique experience in Ticino.