Image 0 - Linescio: village of terraces
Image 1 - Linescio: village of terraces
Image 2 - Linescio: village of terraces

Linescio: village of terraces

Skills of a rural culture

More than 25 km of dry stone walls which created the monumental terraced landscape was a task of Herculean proportions. The terraces at Linescio are impressive evidence of human ingenuity and how hard work can mould nature in order to cultivate the steep slopes of mountains.

For several decades the terraces were abandoned when cultivation ceased. A revival project promoted by APAV (a local environmental protection agency) and carried out by Pro Linescio has returned some of them to their proper function and restored high value to the countryside.

Despite an average gradient of 25-30%, which would normally hinder any kind of agriculture, the terraces permit the cultivation of cereals, potatoes, turnips and the last vine in the Rovana valley.