The word embroidery - of Arabic derivation - means writing, cipher, sign, drawing. So it is no coincidence that the stitches declined here are transformed into a veritable language that seals the visions of artists who, by appealing to personal roots and experiences, offer varied perspectives. The works they offer nevertheless know how to coexist side by side. At times they even seem to belong to each other, to the point of releasing a kind of choral chant. The needles knot steps and mingle with life, pierce it gracefully, follow its banks, boundaries and trespasses; they recount what we can imagine, but also what goes beyond imagination itself.
In an unfamiliar and poetic layout, François Burland, Margarita Brum, Victoria Diaz Saravia, Aurélie William Levaux and Céleste Meylan perform spells. They give us agile irises, suggest interior geographical itineraries and geologies of the soul in a succession of leaps and flights inside and outside of us.
Tue... Fri: 10:00 – 12:00 / 14:00 – 18:00
Sat: Su appuntamento / Nach Voranmeldung / Sur rendez-vous / On appointment - CATEGORIES Exhibitions and fairs