Slow travel has become an increasingly popular trend in our time. Hermann Hesse also always found good reasons to travel, even as a child with short trips on the river in his home town of Calw, which for him were the epitome of happiness. As an adult, he preferred Italy, experiencing travel as an authentic experience in contact with people and landscape, appreciating the slow pace and improvisation. One trip that had a profound influence on his cultural and spiritual outlook took him to the Orient. But even then he criticized mass tourism and preferred the depth of experience. In this talk moderated by Daniela Bruderer, we meet the slow travelers Gisela Etter and Yuri Monaco, who have made slow travel their philosophy of life, and alternate their stories with impressions of Hesse's travels. In Italian language.
Following the Talk, the traveling video exhibition “Sentieri vengono tracciati dove prima non c'erano” by artists Giorgia Piffaretti and Sophie Wright, curated by Die Sonnenstube and created as part of the Slow Travel event, will be inaugurated in the Nada caravan. The exhibition reflects on the relationship between photography and the mountains and questions the human obsession with the conquest and appropriation of nature. The video invites a sensory exploration, reflects on current ecological realities and creates a new narrative space in which mountains and photographs become living and fragile characters that can transform and change. In the spirit of nomadism, the traveling exhibition will then move from Sept. 8 to 12 to Piazza Brocchi in Montagnola where it will be open to visitors free of charge.
- September 7: Talk and exhibition opening (weather permitting), Camping Lugano Lake, Agno
- September 8 to 12: exhibition at Piazza Brocchi in Montagnola, open from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm
- In case of rain, the talk will take place in the Centro Scolastico di Collina d'Oro (Aula Magna) and the vernissage will not be held
- OPENING Sat: 17:00 – 18:30
- CATEGORIES Exhibitions and fairs , Get-togethers