16.03 - 04.08.2024
Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona
Mushrooms are ancestral masters. Their ability to regenerate, transform and recycle, connecting elements and organisms in the environment, prompts us to question the relationships of reciprocity and collaboration proper to living beings. To adopt as a model of life the strategies developed over millennia by mycelium is both a romantic utopia and a necessity.
Contemporary art is a laboratory in which artists reflect on topical issues, experimenting with materials and media. The exhibition 'Underground. Ecosystems to explore' thus invites us to consider the richness of our interconnections and interdependencies and to perceive today's globalised world as a creative and regenerative opportunity. Nature then becomes a source of inspiration not only for art, but also for the elaboration of new social models.
An exhibition curated by Carole Haensler, Luce Lebart and Joana P.R. Neves.
With Pepe Atocha, Mirko Baselgia, Ishita Chakraborty, Laurie Dall'Ava, Lise Duclaux, Stephen Gill, LANDRA - Sara Rodrigues & Rodrigo Camacho, Marion Neumann and a special project by Gabriela Albergaria.
For further information:
Mon... Tue: CHIUSO
Wed... Thu: 14.00 - 18.00
Fri... Sun: 10.00 - 18.00 - CATEGORIES Exhibitions and fairs