Image 0 - Echi Sacri - Airolo

Echi Sacri - Airolo

Sacred Echoes: A Week of Youth Choirs in Ticino.

The centenary celebrations of the Federazione Ticinese Società di Canto continue with the fourth event of the year, entitled Sacred Echoes: A Week of Youth Choirs in Ticino. This special event will see the participation of three outstanding youth choirs, the Schola Pueri Cantores de la Catedral de Granada from Spain and the Queens' College Choir Cambridge from the UK, who will join the Lugano Cathedral Choir School for a week of great music, sharing and friendship. The Lugano Cathedral Choir School and its director Robert Michaels will also celebrate their 40th anniversary.

On Friday 5 July at 8.15 p.m. it will be the turn of the Airolo parish church to host the concert of the Queens' College Choir Cambridge.
