Image 0 - Christmas market and baking of farina bóna bread in a wood-fired oven
Image 1 - Christmas market and baking of farina bóna bread in a wood-fired oven

Christmas market and baking of farina bóna bread in a wood-fired oven

Christmas market and baking of farina bóna bread in a wood-fired oven

Friends of the wood-fired oven invite you
Saturday 23 November 2024
from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Youth Square in Cavigliano

In a Christmas atmosphere, amidst songs and lights, for young and old, various craftsmen will exhibit their products.
A rich gastronomic offer with many good specialities and baking of bóna-flour bread in a wood-fired oven.

For bread reservation contact Lorenza 078 632 50 59

The market will be held in all weather, in case of rain it will be set up indoors


  • OPENING Sat: 11:00 - 17:00
  • CATEGORIES Local festivals , Market , Get-togethers