Curzútt (Corte di Sotto) is a vilalge that lies hidden in the chestnut woods above Monte Carasso. The morphological and climatic conditions of the area allowed the development of a community (until 1700 seven hundred people lived in the various settlements) which lived in harmony with nature. Nowadays the village is apperciated by tourists and excusionists: the typical stone houses and drystone walls are always a popular photography subjects. Curzútt is a midway station on the Mornera cable car line and hosts an hostel.
Curzútt hosts woods that are characterized by the presence of a few shrubs and the undergrowth, which makes it particularly suitable for a run at a fast pace. There are many interesting objects for those who practise this sport, such as stones, rock walls, holes, narrowing and hills. The presence of an extended net of trails lets you reach the various areas of the map.
The map can be asked at the cable car starting point.