Image 0 - Casa Fossati - Müra
Image 1 - Casa Fossati - Müra
Image 2 - Casa Fossati - Müra
Image 3 - Casa Fossati - Müra
Image 4 - Casa Fossati - Müra
Image 5 - Casa Fossati - Müra

Casa Fossati - Müra

House Fossati is an old noble house which dates back to 1600, situated in the center of Meride core.

It 'been completely renovated in 1973 and now offers modern apartments for short or medium-term stays. The inner courtyard overlooking the meadows below. Its sunny and quiet location makes it an ideal destination for those seeking rest.



  • TYPE DE MAISON Appartement
  • DIMENSION Nombre de lits: 4
  • POSITION En montagne , Calme , Près de l'arrêt de bus
  • SERVICES Linge de maison fourni , Service de nettoyage
  • SPORTS ET BIEN-ETRE Indiqué pour cyclistes
  • STRUCTURE Indiqué pour familles , Jardin , Blanchisserie , Parking public
  • EQUIPEMENT Salle de bains , Douche , free Wi-Fi , Réfrigérateur , Grill , Machine à laver , Mobilier de jardin , Equipement de cuisine , Chauffage