Image 0 - Monte Verità presents guided tours, screenings, workshops and a conference on memory

Monte Verità presents guided tours, screenings, workshops and a conference on memory

Over the weekend of 12 and 13 October, museums and foundations in the Locarno area will talk about art and culture in a joint programme. The Monte Verità Foundation, which has always adhered to the project Luoghi d’arte del Locarnese, offers a program full of activities.


10.30 a.m. - Monte Verità Auditorium

Screening of the film Monte Verità. Berg der Wahrheit, by Werner Weick - in Italian, with German subtitles - an important contribution that illustrates the extraordinary convergence of stories, utopias and illustrious personalities who inhabited the territory in the first half of the last century and who are the subject of Harald Szeemann's famous exhibition Monte Verità. Le mammelle della verità

Free admission. Info and registration: [email protected]

11.15 a.m. - Casa Anatta Museum

Visit of the Harald Szeemann exhibition Monte Verità. Le mammelle della verità  by Nicoletta Mongini and Riccardo Bernardini. These two events are organized in collaboration with the Casa Rusca Museum and the Eranos Foundation.  

Registration required, subject to availability: [email protected]

5.00 p.m. - Monte Verità Auditorium

The Path of Hope a year later. Memories and reflections around Lake Verbano - Conference

A year after the official presentation of the Path of Hope, a project curated by Nicoletta Mongini - Director of Culture of the Monte Verità Foundation - and Raphael Rues - historian and founder of Insubrica Historica - the conference aims to retrace the history and importance of this project, which winds through the four municipalities of Verbania, Cannobio, Brissago and Ascona which, with the Regional Agency for the Development of Locarno and the Maggia Valley have supported him.
The focus of the meeting will focus, in particular, on two critical moments, in September 1943 and October 1944, which put a strain on the refugee management system. During this period, around 10,000 people, including 300 children, managed to find safety by crossing the Swiss border. However, there were episodes of rejection, involving partisans and entire Jewish families. As evidence of these two opposite destinies, they will participate in the in-depth study Andrea Pozzetta, Scientific Director of the House of Resistance in Verbania and author of Passaggi di speranza. Contrabbandieri, passatori, fuggiaschi e partigiani in Ossola e Verbano", (Ed. Tararà, 2024), and Raphael Rues, collaborator of Insubrica Historica and author of the Blog of the Swiss National Museum and author of Respinti. Il dramma della famiglia ebrea Gruenberger in fuga (Ed. Insubrica Historica). The discussion will be moderated by the historian Marino Viganò, leading expert on the period 1943-1945. At the end of the event, the short film Pochi passi (A few steps), directed by Carlo Bava, will be presented, which will offer an artistic and reflective perspective on the topics covered.

Free admission, followed by an aperitif.

Info and registration: [email protected]

1.30 p.m. - Casa Anatta Museum

Visit of the museum for families by the TIM TAM association. The children, accompanied by a parent, will choose a work or an image as part of the exhibition that evokes the Genius Loci of the place. Starting from the selected objects, a creative workshop will be organized that will take place in the park with a snack offered.

Free admission. Registration required subject to availability: [email protected]


  • OPENING Sat: 10:30 - 19:00
    Sun: 13:30 - 16:00
  • CATEGORIES Exhibitions and fairs