The official opening of the "Art Events" promoted by filoARTE gallery will be held on Saturday 16 March at 4.30 pm
in the new headquarters at LA FERRIERA, in V. A. Ciseri N.13/A, in Locarno.
The season will open with the Vernissage "FLUID GOLD, METALLIC LIGHT AND FLUORESCENT DARK" by the artist Stefania Pinsone with the intervention of the art critic Daniela Lauria.
After her last year success in Ascona and in Italy, the artist returns, this time to Locarno, to propose a new
and very interesting art collection.
Mon... Fri: 09:30 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 17:00
Sat: 09:00 - 12:30 - CATEGORIES Exhibitions and fairs